Friday, April 7, 2017

Pseudo Fate

Fake news has been around for centuries. In the "Long and Brutal History of Fake News,"  Jacob Soll  explains that fake news has been around since Gutenberg invited the printing press in 1439. Soll goes on through the centuries and explains that as printing grew, so did fake news. "as real news recedes, fake news will grow," states Soll. 

If one Google searches, "will fake news go away?," every single result that pops up says something along the lines of "fake news isn't going away," "how to handle fake news," etc. These headlines are correct. I do not think that fake news will go away. People like to spread rumors and start drama and what makes it even worse is that they can get paid for doing it. Why give that up? 

As years go by, fake news seems to be growing stronger, weakening the real, truthful news. Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram make fake news easier to access because people can post whatever they want on these media outlets. 

Many websites, such as Google, are starting to incorporate a fact checking component to their search results to help dissipate fake news. "The company plans to reserve the label for search results about addressable public claims of fact, rather than opinion," states Bergen, the author of, "Google Brings Fake News Fact Checking to Search Results."

In an article written by Lee Rainie, Janna Anderson, and Jonathan Albright, statistics are given for what the public thinks will happen in the next decade to social media and fake news. "46% of respondents indicated that they expect no major change in online social climate in the coming decade and 39% said they expect the online future will be “more shaped” by negative activities."

Predicting what the consequences of fake news continuing will be should be relatively easy, considering we are living those consequences right now. Fake news has wormed its way into our current lives, leaving behind rumors and messes for people that know the truth to clean up. If people don't start paying closer attention to what they are reading, and sharing on the internet, this issue is going to grow tremendously in the next couple of years, and we will have a big problem on our hands regarding other countries. If the United States of America happens to have a false story going around about another country and that country hears or reads it, they could decide to take action and fight back. 

Its obvious fake news is not good news, and all it does is cause trouble, therefore if fake news is in our future, so is trouble.
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