Friday, April 7, 2017

Fake news has been circulating throughout the world since the invention of the printing press in the 14th century. This was due to the fact that writers wanted to sway the public to their opinion and way of thinking. The internet then made it easier to post fictional articles for the world to find with the click of a button. People used the articles on the internet to their advantage by adding money to the link so when people click on it the writer gains money. They draw attention by making their titles loud by making it all capital letters and exclamation points.

With articles such as this circulating around the globe, tensions have risen. The 2016 presidential election has brought about so much fake news it is hard to tell the difference anymore between what is true and what is not. Through my research over the past couple of months I have found that through reliable sources you an find the truth, but only if your willing to surrender your biased opinion.

When talking about the future no one truly knows what will happen. If you look at past events you will be able to predict what will happen in the future. The topic of fake news has been controversial since the beginning of time and it only seems to be getting worse over the years.

Social media networks, such as Facebook, are aiming to fix the problems tied to fake news by trying to make it clear what is untrue. This will help with the future of fake news. Fake news will never truly go away, but there are ways we can prevent it from happening and from people believing it. Proper research and the ability for other people to accept others opinions will aid in the trouble with fake news.

1 comment:

  1. I like where you are going with this post, however I would have liked to read more.Maybe think about expanding it with more examples of the consequences we have already faced because of fake news and what will happen in the future. You say in the third paragraph the no one knows what will happen in the future and that IS true. However, I think that we can make an educated guess about what will happen, seeing as how we are living with fake news right now. Will it get worse? Will it get better? Stay the same?
