Friday, March 17, 2017

International Fake News

International fake news is the same thing as fake news in the United States. The thing that makes them differ is what country it comes from. Fake news could come all the way from Japan, yet find its way on your Facebook newsfeed. It still amazes me that some people will read these fake news articles and believe them despite finding truth about the source. In todays world, people believe what they see and run with it from there.

The reason behind fake news can be different. Some decide to do fake news to promote or even hurt another. We seen many articles of fake news in the latest election between Clinton and Trump. In the little country of Macedonia, there is a team of teens who made a good amount of money by creating pro-trump fake news articles. These teens are a prime example of how easy it is to make money doing fake news internationally. There are however, real journalist who go out there way to try and stop fake news from happening.

We have seen what fake news might have did to our own election. But what about other countries? This year will be France who hold election and they want to do anything in their power to stop fake news from having a decision on the outcome. Working with google, many journalist have come together to create a fact check program. This could be a big step in stopping fake news articles becoming a factor in the election this year. As of right now, theres nothing The United States could do because its to late our election has ended with a winner. But maybe in the future, there could be a fix, just maybe.


  1. love your use of pictures and words to describe international fake news

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You bring up France here, and yes, like Holland, more European elections are coming up, and it will be interesting to see if fake news has any sort of foothold in their elections. Do you think that on the whole citizens in out countries than America are better at distinguishing fake news? What processes are these countries taking to protect their elections? Keep building this...

  4. I think that you have some good points you are trying to make in your post this week. Talking about how there is an election going on in France is very in tune with the topic this week of international fake news, as there are certain parallels that can be drawn between the current french election and the recent election we had here in the US. The only I could say to help you improve this post would be to add some hyperlinking in to support your examples, such as the teens in Macedonia, and the fact checking service from google.
