Friday, March 17, 2017

International Fake News

International Fake News is basically false news that is posted on the internet. Some fake websites often use media from other websites such as ABC or CNN and change it to make it look like it happened even though it didn't. Sometimes they seem to mislead rather than entertain readers, usually for social or political gain. Other times, they may tell the reader that it actually happened in real time. Many of these sites originate, or are promoted from, the United States, Russia and Romania.

The best way to avoid International Fake News is to not read it at all. Here are some ways to spot fake news that I found on (1)" Consider The Source- Click away from the story to investigate the site, its mission and its contact info."; (2) " Check The Author- Do a quick search on the author. Are they credible? Are they real?"; (3) " Check The Date- Re-posting old news stories doesn't mean they're relevant to current events."; (4) " Check Your Biases- Consider if your own beliefs could affect your judgement."; (5) " Read Beyond- Headlines can be too outrageous in an effort to get clicks. What's the whole story?"; (6) " Supporting Sources?- Click on those links. Determine if the info given actually supports the story."; (7) " Is It A Joke?- If it is too outlandish, it might be satire. Research the site and author to be sure."; and (8) " Ask The Experts- Ask a librarian, or consult a fact-checking site." These notes might just help you avoid International Fake News.

1 comment:

  1. Take that first broad statement and narrow it. For example, international fake news is falsified content on a global scale, right? You also. Make an interesting point when you say that these "news" sites misinform rather than entertain. This makes me news meant to entertain, at its base level?
