Friday, February 17, 2017

Yellow Journalism Blog 1

I think one of the things that motivates yellow journalists is, especially Wade and Goldman from the article, is money. They started off as being poor teenagers and then they started to write false news and the money began to come in. I think that they do not really care if the news is true or not, as long as they are getting paid. Another thing that I believe motivates them is the response that they receive from web readers. Their goal is to get people to wind up about a specific topic and for them to have a huge reaction towards it. In todays world, most of the information that people get is from the internet. I think that people believe what yellow journalists write about is because if it goes with their mind sets and their beliefs. It basically makes their opinion stronger since they know someone else agrees with them. People now a days believe anything they read online, no matter who says it. Yellow Journalism is very widespread, not just on the internet. One huge example of yellow journalism is tabloids. They write in magazines and the way they attract readers is by making cover pages colorful and using big texts and writing about scandalous claims within the celebrities.  Although yellow journalism has changed since it began, it will always be around.


  1. Yes, I believe its true that people dive in to yellow journalism especially if it supports what they believe in. Good job(:

  2. Sasha,
    You hit on something really important here...the money factor. Once Wade and Goldman realized that they could make obscene amounts of money for just a few minutes' of writing per post (but, granted, they do this all day long), then could this possibly have also become an addiction to attention and notoriety? Keep digging on this--go down that rabbit hole and see how far it might take you. And do all people believe what they read online? I would hope not, right?
